If you happen to be in Padova, Italy, on the 30th of September, make sure to come around for Science4All, a whole day of scientific public outreach where many researchers and research groups of the University will do their best to showcase the cream of the crop of their research.

And then there will be me, presenting “Cash or Card?” a little game to learn about choices and consequences of using cash or electronic payments in your everyday shopping! I will be somewhere in the students room at the Palazzo del Bo in via VIII Febbraio 2 to answer all your questions, and with a few questions of my own for you if you’ll be so kind to play. I look more or less like in this picture (but less pixelated) and I’ll be sure to have a silly t-shirt.
This will also be an opportunity for players, non-players, parents, educators, and everyone else to discuss the educational role of video games, and how and why they do not have to be of the boring kind we too often see peddled around. I’m very much looking forward to hearing everything you have to say about this, all your concerns, all your ideas, all your wishes and everything else!
Come on in, I can’t promise cookies but I can promise games ๐
PS The game is also be available online if you won’t be in Padova on the day.
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