Go to the OPEN CALL or continue reading. I have a love/hate relationship with outreach events. I love them because most of my work is public-facing but done behind a curtain, so getting direct feedback from the people using my work is always nice. I hate them because you have to be on your tiptoes […]

If you happen to be in Padova, Italy, on the 30th of September, make sure to come around for Science4All, a whole day of scientific public outreach where many researchers and research groups of the University will do their best to showcase the cream of the crop of their research. And then there will be […]

8 September 2023 » Status update

Day 3 of GoodIT done and dusted, some great presentations in the last two sessions that I’ll definitely catch up with. Overall, great experience, great conference, great people! See you in Bremen?

8 September 2023 » Status update

Day 2 of GoodIT was… interesting. New contacts made and a renewed awareness that blockchains will never die soon enough.

6 September 2023 » Status update

Alright, day 1 of GoodIT 2023 done, presentation done, let’s see if I’m still standing for the welcome reception.

I’ve been waiting for someone to write this article for a very long time, but at some point I couldn’t wait any longer so I stepped up and wrote it myself. I talked a little bit about it in this previous post and the resulting conversations over social media were very informative and enjoyable, so […]

I try to avoid using the term Serious Games as much as I can, but I can’t escape the fact that this is a term often used when we talk about educational games, though the overlap isn’t always complete. Let’s see what this is all about. A “serious game” is broadly defined as “a game […]

25 May 2023 » Status update

In writing the article I mention below, I’ve amassed quite a few references and you can find them here.

I made a game! Well, I didn’t design the game but I made a version of it. The game is called robotfindskitten and it’s considered a “Zen simulation”. The game is simple: you play as robot, your task is to explore a field full of boxes that contain non-kitten items until you find the one […]

5 January 2023 » Status update

I made a game! New blog at 14:25 GMT+1, see you then!

16 December 2022 » Status update

Mostly doing paperwork at the moment but also exploring the video game making landscape and found a very good review of accessibility in video games.

Hello world!

Making games is hard enough so I’m here to make them educational!